I have started writing and cooking and experimenting daily, and I feel aligned.
Some cool things are coming up in the world of Shalom & Polepole, and I am so excited about them. It is going to mean an uptick in work - in addition to my homeschool responsibilities. But I am glad.
It's crazy because right now everyone has to have their children home with them all the time. It makes you think about your own children's educational journey. Neiko has been at home during the day since he was a baby. First Mike stayed home with him and then me. Once he started going to a five-day program, Noah was born and home. Noah's caretakers were a beautiful combination of me, my sister-in-law, my mom-in-law, my mom, and a wonderful soul. We moved, and both boys did half-day programs. Then I took Noah out of the half-day, and another incredible human began watching him a few days a week.
Then mama school for both boys. Neiko wanted to try public school, Noah was at home. Then a playgroup for Noah and homeschool for Neiko. Now, both boys (like all children) are home. It's been such a bizarre journey with all the moves and all the programs. Neiko hasn't been to a school for more than a year. Eek. Thinking full-time homeschool may be the move for the next few years... unless....